The Drop Set Podcast
Bodybuilding for the Masses – Online since 2016!
Listen to the latest Five Starr Physique Drop Set Podcast Episode with Darin Starr.

Bodybuilding Podcast for the Masses

Had enough of bodybuilding podcasts that say “bro” every 10 seconds or are hosted by some crazy person who thinks shouting quasi-motivational nonsense into a microphone is helpful? You’re in the right place.
With The Drop Set, I try to be as real as possible while finding the right mix between the clinical and the practical – you won’t catch me spinning bro-science and I’m not going to be reading directly from the executive summary of the latest study on sarcoplasmic reticulum articulation (or whatever). My goal is that every segment leaves you with something that you can take with and apply to your own life in some way.
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Drop Set Podcasts
January 24, 2025How bad am I at responding to text messages? Bad enough that I actually find it easier to respond to...
January 10, 2025Well, that fit model thing sure caused a bit of a stir. In today’s episode I clean up some of...
December 20, 2024The NPC/IFBB just announced this week a new “Fit Model” category which will be slotted ‘under’ bikini in terms of...
December 10, 2024In episode 277, I make a TRIUMPHANT RETURN to solo episodes…for now (my interview schedule is clear – insert sad...
December 3, 2024Lori Conley had been on my “get” list for awhile but due to scheduling and other things it wasn’t until...
November 15, 2024I won’t lie – interviewing Julia Whitesel was on my list after watching her in the Rising Phoenix earlier this...
November 4, 2024Before becoming an IFBB Bikini Pro, Monique Chilcutt had a previous career as a pro dancer for an NBA team...
October 18, 2024IFBB Wellness Pro Teresa Myers has been at this bodybuilding thing for a bit – starting in 2013 in women’s...
October 4, 2024I’ve been watching a ton of IFBB Pro bodybuilding shows lately and recording my commentary to post as videos on...
September 6, 2024Check out my newly relaunched website featuring my online courses: Bikini Blueprint, Hypertrophy University, and Macro Boot Camp: Ok kids, it’s...
August 30, 2024Bodybuilding is a funny thing. Following a craptastic showing at Tampa and then a glorious return the top 5 in...
August 16, 2024A good home gym can be a great asset. A lousy home gym will set your potential progress back years. In...
August 9, 2024Maintaining your diet on the road can be, to put it mildly, a pain. BUT it’s worth noting that it...
August 2, 2024Carb cycling in bodybuilding is something that, for some reason, generates some very passionate opinions. Certainly, most dietary strategies have...
July 26, 2024The bodybuilding industry is loaded with coaches – if you’re searching for a good one either for contest prep or...
July 19, 2024You often hear people talk about recomping or “building muscle in a deficit”, but realistically the goal just needs to...
July 12, 2024In the bodybuilding industry specifically and the fitness industry more generally, confusion abounds. Stuff that was “fact” decades ago we...
July 5, 2024How much does food quality really matter when it comes to your diet in bodybuilding? There’s “healthy”, but then what...
June 28, 2024There’s been a myth circulating for a long time that after your contest prep phase for a bodybuilding show, or...
June 14, 2024Being in Oregon to visit family, it seemed like a great opportunity to get some fresh faces on here as...
June 7, 2024Well, at long last here we are – 22 weeks of prep, 110 training sessions, mountains of cardio, 17 near...
May 31, 2024Bodybuilding is a funny thing…of this 22 week contest prep phase, the first 17 weeks were pretty quiet…and since then...
May 24, 2024Body dysmorphia, or body dysmorphic disorder, is yet another serious issue (like binge eating that we talked about last week)...
May 17, 2024Binge eating and bodybuilding go together like PB&J, sadly. It’s often thought that you can’t have one without the other,...
May 10, 2024Recomping is all the rage these days – dropping body fat and building muscle at the same time. Every prominent...
May 3, 2024Ah yes, macro tracking apps. We all use something like MyFitnessPal at some point, right? Well, maybe some of us...
April 26, 2024In episode 254 of The Drop Set, I’m going to talk about steroids – specifcally, the risks involved in taking...
April 19, 2024Welcome to episode 253! Today, we’re diving into the whole bulk or cut dilemma in bodybuilding. The key? Knowing what...
April 12, 2024In episode 252 of The Drop Set, I delve into the nuanced concept of stage readiness, exploring the subjective nature...
April 5, 20240:00 – Intro 0:40 – Getting Started 3:47 – Supplements: Worth It or Waste It? 26:49 – Adapting to Sickness, Missing Gym Time 43:05...
March 29, 2024Welcome to episode TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY! In the first segment, I dive deep into strategies for busting through growth...
March 22, 2024In this episode, we dig in on the finer points of having a successful cut, whether it’s for a contest...
March 15, 2024In episode 248 of The Drop Set, I delve into the intricate journey to becoming a professional bodybuilder in the...
March 8, 2024(3:15) In this episode of The Drop Set podcast, I can’t help but unravel the aftermath of the Arnold Classic...
March 1, 2024I’ve had a lot of coaches myself over the past 20 years and I’ve spent the last 15 years being...
February 23, 2024Episode 245 marks the PERMANENT return of The Drop Set to YouTube – so if video is your thing, check...
February 6, 2024One of the absolute most common questions I get is “when will I be ready for a show”, or “I’m...
January 23, 2024Hey Darin, can you be rambling and borderline incoherent for 40 minutes? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. The real question: drunk or sober? ...
January 12, 2024Autumn Cleveland has been around for a bit – with a competition history of 20+ years and a couple Olympia...
January 5, 2024What makes for a good and productive growth season? Conversely, what makes for a bad one? How do we define...
December 20, 2023A little random pre-Christmas catch up on some stuff, and thankfully MUCH lighter fare than last week – and then...
December 12, 2023Rest in peace to my friend and coach Krissy Lia, you will be missed.
December 5, 2023Lots of ground to cover today. Michelle called in with some solid questions concerning peptides and deloads (separate questions…not a...
November 28, 2023Throwback episode! No not a ‘greatest hits’ release but just going back to the old formatting. Call me an optimist...
November 8, 2023Future generations will look back and see Episode 236 of The Drop Set as a watershed moment for humanity. Maybe. ...
October 24, 2023Hannah Hussein and I have one thing in common (well, we probably all do) – we both did dumb shit...
September 26, 2023I recently had the chance to have an extended conversation with IFBB Pro women’s bodybuilder Sherry Priami. Sherry turned pro...
September 22, 2023In episode 233 of The Drop Set I had the chance to sit down with Paige Sandgren following her narrow...
September 15, 2023In episode 232 of The Drop Set I am super excited to have the opportunity to chat with former Olympia...
September 5, 2023In episode 231 of The Drop Set I welcome BACK Wendy Levra, NPC NQ bodybuilder and empowerment coach who was...
August 31, 2023In episode 230 of The Drop Set I interview my own coach – IFBB Women’s Physique Pro Kristyn Lia (I...
August 16, 2023In episode 229 of The Drop Set I catch up with returning Drop Set Champion Paige Sabedra, after having wrapped...
August 9, 2023In episode 228 (following a 1 month hiatus) I offer a recap of the local Knoxville NPC show that was...
June 30, 2023Today we tackle a question from my (former) client Paul asking about the mental side of bodybuilding – well not...
June 15, 2023The podcast episode so epic it took 3 days to record. Or maybe the host was experiencing some squirrel-like ADD...
June 9, 2023…and now for something completely different. It used to be a recurring segment here to break down recent TV shows I’ve...
May 30, 2023First up: a warning! I kick things off today with a fairly profanity-heavy rant based on a weekend experience. For...
May 25, 2023We’re back today with a whole mish mash of stuff ranging from gym bag contents to macro specifics and all...
March 30, 2023Back at it with 2 episodes in 2 days! Don’t forget to call in with your question at 865-518-6569 and...
March 29, 2023In 221 we have a guest appearance of sorts from Grace, the reigning MVP of The Drop Set – she...
February 21, 2023Back it today with a HUGE grab bag of Q&A, coming from voicemails as well as sourced from a Facebook...
February 14, 2023Based on a couple questions, I knew it was time for a deeper dive into the world of what “natural”...
January 17, 2023Well if that isn’t a super sexy and attention-getting topic, I don’t know what is. Returning from a brief hiatus,...
December 30, 2022First up and most important – THE CALL IN NUMBER IS BACK! Call 865-518-6569 and leave a message and I’ll...
December 21, 2022Well, another Olympia weekend has come and gone so it’s time for the annual tradition of complaining about results and...
December 13, 2022In 215 I’m mostly going over the latest installment in the Washington Post’s deep dive into the dark recesses of...
December 9, 2022Today on The Drop Set, it’s the Festivus Edition: the airing of grievances! My favorite part, always. So I’m gonna complain...
November 21, 2022First up: go check out the new website at ! This episode was delayed a few days while waiting...
November 21, 2022Note: this episode is being reposted from an earlier date, as the original upload was lost in a website migration. ...
October 27, 2022210 – “Medical Update”, Exercise ModalitiesSo I had a little procedure done which gave me the heebie jeebies – listen...
October 19, 2022209 – Vacation Update and Bouncing Back, Problematic ExercisesWell it seems like a much bigger deal to me than it...
October 11, 2022208 – NPC WPD/WBB Competitor Wendy LevraI had the pleasure of sitting down for a nice extended interview with national...
October 4, 2022207 – Find Your ‘Why’, Food Regrets, Holiday PlanningToday, on “Therapy with Darin”, we play some head games, because I...
September 28, 2022206 – Stress Hygiene, Maintaining Leanness, Injury ManagementToday (well, yesterday and today, really) I tackle a couple questions posed by...
September 21, 2022205 – Cardio Timing, Likes & Dislikes, Bodybuilding PsychologyTime for a Q&A grab bag! In this episode I’m actually...
September 13, 2022204 – Plant-Based Diets, Beyond Progressive OverloadToday we dig in on a few listener questions (thanks Grace!) on the efficacy...
August 30, 2022203 – Flipped Interview! Darin on the Hot Seat!For today, something a little different – when I put out...
August 22, 2022202 – Coachability, Helping Others, Leveling Up Your TrainingBack from summer hiatus at long lost!Today we talk about 3 big...
June 2, 2022201 – Garbage Coaches Revisited, Gear for GuysWe’ve talked about this before but it’s time to revisited the warning signs...
May 6, 2022200 – Place Fixing Scandal, Dead BodybuildersWe made it to episode 200! Thanks to everyone for listening and don’t...
May 2, 2022199 – Progressive Overload Revisited, Resurgence in Bodybuilding?We’re back in business! In addition to discussing the surge (or RE-surgence)...
January 10, 2022198 – Gear 101, Women & PED’sIt’s third rail time! Today we dig in on a basic primer for...
December 22, 2021197 – Recapping NPC Nationals, Grab Bag Q&AWith NPC Nationals in the rear view I recap the weekend with a...
December 7, 2021195 – Spotting Techniques, Blow Up the NPC?First up, CALLING ALL COUPLES – if you are a couple and you...
November 30, 2021Catching up on my post-show rebound with a food-based holiday thrown into the mix after missing last week due to...
November 15, 2021This past Saturday I competed in Atlanta at the 2021 Lee Haney Games - in today's episode I recap the...
November 3, 2021193 – Volumizing Meals, Caloric Floor, Prep PartnersIn today’s episode there’s a warning of changes coming! The Drop Set...
October 18, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 192Back for a solo episode today after a longer break than I expected due to...
September 27, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 191: IFBB Pro Janeen LankowskiJaneen brings 20 plus years of experience as a competitor...
September 17, 2021The Drop Set, Episode 190Brian joins us today to talk about a bunch of the ‘standard’ bodybuilding topics but also...
September 13, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 189Today on The Drop Set…it’s just me! Sorry to disappoint – I’ve got another...
September 10, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 188: Alexis UrsoAlexis Urso is the President & CEO of Made2Macro, a custom meal...
September 6, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 187: Kelly Lynn NauyokasOn The Drop Set today our VERY FIRST repeat guest, IFBB...
August 31, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 186: IFBB Figure Pro Paige SabedraToday on The Drop Set I welcome Paige Sabedra,...
August 25, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 185Today I welcome IFBB Pro Theresa Ivancik on to the podcast to talk about a...
August 20, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 184In today’s episode I’m joined by Stephanie Marie, and IFBB Pro WPD competitor turned bodybuilder...
August 16, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 183In this WELCOME BACK episode following an unplanned summer hiatus, I cover a lot of...
May 7, 2021The Drop Set Episode 182In today’s episode I interview my client Jacob Koch, offering a first-timers perspective on the world...
April 21, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 1810:00 – personal update from me on why I was MIA last week in spite...
April 9, 2021Episode 180: IFBB Pro Kelly Lynn Nauyokas
April 5, 2021The Drop Set – Episode 179Cutting right to the chase in this one!3:58What’s an appropriate rate to build muscle at?...
March 29, 2021Episode 178: Q&A Grab BagWhoa – we’re back with a vengeance! Lots of topics covered today, details and...
March 25, 2021Episode 177 – Macros From the Ground UpIn today’s “like a phoenix rising from the ashes” episode, we go over...
December 14, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 176FINALLY back in business after an extended hiatus!Today I briefly catch you up on my...
August 21, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1752:02 – The ever-critical LAWN UPDATE!6:17 – Let’s talk about some pandemic-related changes to show...
August 14, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1740:00 – Intro with new music!0:43 – Our album is OUT! And no I’m...
August 7, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1730:34 – Welcome back to me! Hiatus is OVER2:45 – Updates and results from...
June 19, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1720:00 – Coming in right at the start with an update from Erin (MN) on...
June 12, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1710:00 – Lots happening over here but you get a sample of some new music...
June 5, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1700:00 – A big announcement, a rant, and more – we’re coming in hot!...
May 15, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1690:00 – A big announcement, a rant, and more – we’re coming in hot!...
May 8, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1680:00 – Back for more! This is the ‘randomness’ component of the episode where...
April 22, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 167In today’s special edition of The Drop Set, it’s straight and to the point....
April 20, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1660:00 – Hey, it’s me again! A few opening words of encouragement, reality, and...
April 3, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1650:00 – An opening word about the current virus situation but more importantly a discussion...
March 27, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1640:00 – Intro! Studio update with a new demo – things are taking shape!10:47...
March 20, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1630:00 – Intro! Derby update! Music update! Quick Coronavirus update and then...
March 16, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1620:00 – Intro! Quick music update from over the weekend6:03 – Coronavirus update, just...
March 13, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1610:00 – Intro! Surprise episode, new music, studio recap12:37 – Time to talk about...
February 28, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1600:00 – Back to it! Puppy update!11:02 – Jesse from ND has a good question on...
January 31, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 159
January 24, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1580:00 – Intro! Music, lifting, diet, and PUPPY news11:10 – Hyman from CA is asking about mass...
January 17, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 1570:00 – Intro! Short and sweet (you’re welcome!)2:41 – Are you ready for probably the dumbest bit...
January 10, 2020The Drop Set – Episode 156Watch out, we’re working without a net here. NO set agenda for today’s episode,...
December 20, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1550:00 – Whoa, new intro music! Since I felt like indulging in sharing a new demo,...
December 9, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1540:00 – Welcome back to me! A bit of an unexpected break but back in action...
November 22, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1530:00 – I kick things off today with several updates! Personal, Taz-related, band-related, and also lawn-related...
November 15, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1520:00 – Friday Focus check – WHAT ARE YOU DOING?7:28 – Annie from Seattle has...
November 8, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1510:00 – Intro! There’s a new poll up at – make sure you go vote! ...
November 4, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1500:00 – Time to recap the weekend that was – show results, a very creative weekend,...
November 1, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1490:00 – #149 coming in hot! I make a small pitch to support my client Ben’s...
October 28, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1480:00 – Welcome to the 452nd installment of our recurring segment, “Darin is a Moron” –...
October 25, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 147No show notes this week! I’m under the weather but managed to get through...
October 21, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1460:00 – A ‘behind the scenes’ story of the stupid, daily struggles of running a business...
October 18, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1450:00 – Whoa, back to 2 episodes in a week! Starting off with a gruesome,...
October 14, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1440:00 – Long breaks are becoming the norm! Back today after taking last week off...
October 4, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1430:00 – Finally back after a longer-than-expected hiatus due to a root canal and some travel. ...
September 20, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1420:00 – Intro and welcome!2:50 – An unplanned detour into RANT territory regarding crossovers at NPC...
September 13, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 141We’re back! I missed y’all on Monday and my excuse for being absent is...
September 6, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 140It’s dentist day on The Drop Set! I lament my upcoming torture session in the...
August 30, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 139For the final Friday in August we do some really, really deep digs on topics...
August 26, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 1380:00 – Intro, follow-up segment! 14:00 – Macros – what to count? 25:45 – Alcohol, revisited! 40:22 –...
August 23, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 137Today, I probably reveal more about myself than I should, including right off the bat....
August 19, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 136Today I spent way too long going over a yard/weekend update and dissecting music suggestions...
August 16, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 135Apparently I was in rare form today. I had a 20 minute pet peeve,...
August 9, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 134Great listener contributions today and I’m totally on a roll with my music and TV...
August 5, 2019The Drop Set, Episode 133In today’s episode we tackle a little business and then a little entertainment, because…well hey, it...
July 29, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 132: Perfectionism, Average Macro Planning, Progressive Overload AGAINEveryone’s favorite bodybuilding podcast (or at least...
July 19, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 131: Shawn Rhoden Drama, Wellness Division, Progressive Overload0:00 – Intro/personal update! 5:20 – IFBB update...
July 12, 2019The Drop Set – Episode 130: Body Types & Aesthetics, Dysmorphia Revisited, TravelIn today’s episode 130, we dig in...
June 10, 2019Episode 126 will be the LAST episode for 2 weeks, as I return on Monday the 24th (fingers crossed) following...
June 7, 2019June 7th, 2019 – today I field listener calls AGAIN (seriously, you guys are awesome) on a wide range of...
June 3, 2019In #124 I wrap up the conversation about waist trainers with the latest poll results and tackle listener questions regarding...
May 31, 2019Covering a lot of ground in this episode! Lots of user-driven discussion as always, and the back half of the...
May 27, 2019Episode 122 of the Drop Set digs on with more listener inspired topics – contribute by calling in and leaving...
April 11, 2019Back at it! Listener-driven episode today with questions about protein powders, at-home cardio, and lots more.
March 28, 2019A couple quick hits today before I hit the road for an extended weekend trip out west! A personal update,...
March 18, 2019Plenty of news being made last week with the federal indictment handed down by the Southern District of Florida against...
March 4, 2019In today’s episode we’ve got a BUNCH of listener questions and topics to catch up on, including: strength vs. hypertrophy,...
March 1, 2019Too much going on lately! Just a quick chance for me to explain my absence – bear with me!
February 18, 2019I kick off 110 with a story from leg day (because listening to other people’s gym stories is ALWAYS amazing,...
February 14, 2019There’s an online “coach” in the news these days for all the wrong reasons, and you won’t be at all...
February 11, 2019I’m back! At least for now – so let’s get to it! Today I talk about my recent (as in...
February 6, 2019A quick update on where I’ve been and will be in the near future as far as The Drop Set...
January 22, 2019Time for something that started out as kind of a rant and ended up in more of a decontructional analysis...
January 18, 2019Lots of great conversation starters from listeners on this Friday: how important IS protein? Does it get too much hype? ...
January 15, 2019Today we’re talking about a couple of really good topics from listener questions – the difference between National Qualifying shows...
January 11, 2019More Q&A today along with the results of the latest raffle at the end! Topics include: what’s better, cheat meals...
January 7, 2019We’re tackling everything in today’s Q&A session! I kick things off with a brief personal update including some personal and...
January 2, 2019Well, we made it! Triple digits, baby! In episode 100 I spent some time talking about what the next 100...
December 28, 2018Allow me to slowly crawl out of my post-holiday stupor at my own pace! We’ll get back to more meaty...
December 21, 2018And now, the continuation! In part 2 of the discussion on being your own contest prep coach I dive into...
December 18, 2018It’s always good to save a few bucks, right? HELL NO, says the coach – but yeah, I get it. ...
December 14, 2018All right I’m back! Miss me? Ok, I didn’t think so. Nonetheless I enjoyed my little mini-break and we’re diving...
December 3, 2018Aaaaaand the conclusion! Thanks to all who contributed, and stay tuned as we’ll likely do this again soon so if...
November 30, 2018Time for a big-ass Q&A with some motivated people interested in winning the current raffle AND with something to contribute! ...
November 26, 2018When checking in with clients this is something that comes up pretty much with every single check-in every time there’s...
November 23, 2018Happy Turkey Day and a hearty “good luck!” to all Black Friday shoppers (yuck – no thanks!) – today’s episode...
November 19, 2018We’re running the gamut here in episode 91 with a Q&A section and then just some rapid fire topics covering...
November 16, 2018Well, my prep wrapped up yesterday so I thought it would be a fun exercise to look back and reflect...
November 12, 2018For episode 89, it just happens to be MY peak week so I thought it a good time to revisit...
November 9, 2018Two fun topics for today – first up, what to make of doctors dishing out nutritional advice? And let’s keep...
November 5, 2018Today, I talk about excuses. Some things are REASONS, and others are excuses. Last week I had some experience with...
October 29, 2018Ever had a prep that didn’t turn out quite the way you had envisioned when you started? If your hand...
October 26, 2018So much stuff is changing here at The Drop Set and with Five Starr Physique in general! Very excited and...
October 22, 2018If you’re a fan of macros, you probably use MyFitnessPal – today we’re going to dive into the Premium version...
October 19, 2018Back in the studio after last week’s “road episode” – a somewhat lengthy intro (sorry/not sorry) and then two good...
October 12, 2018The Drop Set has gone mobile! Recorded entirely on my phone from the backyard at my parents house with a...
October 8, 2018This episode is all about my extended interview with IFBB Figure Pro and posing coach Kimberley Helm. She shares her...
October 5, 2018It’s finally here, a GREAT compendium of listener-provided questions that I take the opportunity to riff on for 5-15 minutes...
October 1, 2018A discussion near and dear to all of our hearts…cheat meals! What’s best, what to avoid, and if situations might...
September 27, 2018At last my prayers have been answered as I got a couple of GREAT questions this week that really gave...
September 21, 2018Time to break down the 2018 Olympia in relatively quick fashion, but first a weekly recap of my week that...
September 12, 2018Something a little different today – a peek into my life as a coach and, for those curious about whether...
September 10, 2018Back after a mini-break last week! A quick recap on my prep and then diving in to how to make...
September 9, 2018Why Podcasts are Awesome While they are extremely popular with a certain population, there are a LOT of people – and...
August 30, 2018Based on feedback I got just discussing this topic with people before recording this episode, I know it will NOT...
August 25, 2018Had several additional questions from my Q&A request come in AFTER yesterday’s episode went up, so back to the well...
August 24, 2018I put out a call for listener questions and so they run the gamut today – also a quick recap...
August 23, 2018How much protein do you really need, and how much is too much? This comes from a great listener question...
August 16, 2018At last, enough material for a mini Q&A segment, but it’s relevant! Also, I’m getting a *lot* of questions about...
August 15, 2018Should men and women train differently? It’s a basic question with a pretty easy answer, so I dig a bit...
August 11, 2018Are you bringing it on your lifts every day? No, I mean *really* bringing it? Listen to find out what...
The Drop Set - Episode 67: Knox Classic Recap, Darin...has a Coach? How to get in to Online CoachingAugust 8, 2018I went to the Knox Classic this last weekend to take in the sights – and yeah, it’s an amateur...
August 3, 2018Want to make food substitutions to your meal plan but are uncomfortable in your skills and abilities to do so? ...
August 2, 2018It’s Panic City at Five Starr HQ as I’m heading out to dinner tonight with just a couple hours notice...
August 1, 2018It’s time to talk calorie tracking & heart rate monitors! What to rely on and believe, what NOT to trust,...
July 26, 2018Had an online coach before that really was just a perfect little shit? You aren’t alone. I talk a little...
July 24, 2018This isn’t an episode about the technical ways in which you can have an effective cut, but instead about all...
July 23, 2018Bodybuilding is all about the long game. Remaining as injury-free as possible in order to keep progressing. What exercises are...
July 20, 2018So easy to overlook – but outside of the actual LIFT, what else do you do at the gym when you’re...
July 17, 2018In this first MINI EPISODE of The Dropset (no frills, 20 minutes!) I talk about Comfort Zones: what they are...
July 12, 2018It’s been a wild summer but I’m BACK and we have big plans for the weeks and months ahead. I...
June 28, 2018FINALLY – enough listener input for a full-on Q&A segment, THANK YOU to all who contributed. Also: something sneaky to...
June 21, 2018I’m baaaaaack! In this episode I steal Drea & Britney from Ravish Sands for a good half an hour to...
June 4, 2018What are the most common “big picture” mistakes people make in the gym? My Facebook group participants had ALL KINDS...
May 24, 2018My client Alex drop in to discuss her experience from start to finish and beyond in taking a year to...
May 18, 2018Labdoor is a company that conducts independent testing of supplements for quality, purity, and accuracy of contents – this episode...
May 16, 2018Episode 52 features my interview with OCB competitor and show promoter Shar LeGree, as we discuss all things related to the...
May 11, 2018Dean is a former client of mine and we have a nice long chat about his time competing last year,...
May 4, 2018If you’ve ever had trouble picking the right show or have literally ZERO idea how to start that process, this...
April 23, 2018Today’s topics: Gym OCD and how it’s either A) ruining your workouts, B) holding you back, C) driving you crazy,...
April 6, 2018This week I get into the weeds a bit on my personal experience with both ketosis and intermittent fasting. Not...
March 23, 2018It drives me insane that social media is nothing more than a highlight reel – for many reasons, most of...
March 15, 2018Long overdue, but finally a guest appearance from someone and your chance to hear a voice other than mine! Main...
March 8, 2018Stepping things up a bit this week! Production values through the roof! Extra-long episode! Feedback welcome as always – this...
February 28, 2018We all hit a funk from time to time – as I recorded this episode today, I happen to be...
February 27, 2018After missing last week, I’m back with a new poll question and a rundown of my crazy weekend before diving...
February 15, 2018C’mon, get up, get down with the sickness! Oh wait, no – let’s not. Today I talk about what to...
February 8, 2018Ever wanted to be a bit more like the Ultimate Warrior but didn’t know where to start? Occlusion bands might...
February 1, 2018Hallelujah, we’re BACK IN STEREO! In this episode I talk DOMS (muscle soreness), SARM’s (why/why not and who should/shouldn’t) and...
January 25, 2018Often times when a client finally picks a show they’re overcome with a moment of panic when they start thinking...
January 18, 2018Arthur Jones was the founder of Nautilus and had some pretty groundbreaking ideas on high intensity training (lifting – not...
January 11, 2018In the second episode of 2018 I break new ground and talk a bit about myself! Specifically, my own personal...
January 4, 2018Happy 2018! Today we’re going over how to design a split, or workout rotation. Common mistakes, things to avoid, and...
December 27, 2017In this SHORT episode, I do less of a “here’s what happened all year” recap and more of a “here’s...
December 20, 2017We’ve talked about macros here before, but it’s a hot topic and worth revisiting! In this episode I discuss the...
December 13, 2017I get a lot of inquiries from people who are interested in a training program but NOT necessarily contest prep...
December 6, 2017Time to get super nerdy as I breakdown unit costs on common protein sources to decide finally what IS cheapest...
December 1, 2017Episode 31, and finally it’s time to discuss – DRUGS. These play a *huge* part in bodybuilding, whether you take...
November 22, 2017Episode 30 is here! No live broadcast, just audio and video available on YouTube also. Today, I recap NPC Nationals...
November 15, 2017In this episode I talk about the what, when, how, and why of protein intake, also going over various sources...
November 8, 2017In this episode of the Drop Set I talk about what is on EVERYONE’S mind this time of year –...
November 1, 2017In this episode of the Drop Set I talk about the financial side of bodybuilding – how you CAN and...
October 25, 2017The scale *is* a valuable tool for tracking your progress – IF you use it correctly. Listen to learn how. ...
October 18, 2017Let’s be clear: bodybuilding can be really quite basic. OR, it can be SUPER complicated. In this episode of The...
October 12, 2017Just how important is your meal timing in the grand scheme of things? You’ve got some experience with flexible dieting, but...
October 4, 2017Trouble staying motivated? The problem may be with your overall approach and spending some time on your “why” might resolve...
September 27, 2017This week’s topics: what is the best time to train and the best time to hit your cardio? Why should...
September 20, 2017One of my favorite topics with some great feedback from live viewers as well – what to do when your...
September 13, 2017When does embracing the “hardcore” mentality become a liability? Is your relentless pursuit of being awesome holding you back? Also,...
September 6, 2017Everybody loves a good cheat meal, RIGHT???? In this episode I talk about why they AREN’T needed, but why you...
August 30, 2017What are the pros and cons of working out in a home gym? Take it from someone who has done...
August 23, 2017Gotta lift big to get big, right bro? Not so fast buddy – in this episode I break down the...
August 17, 2017Chest: every guy overtrains it, so why isn’t every guy busting out of their shirt? Because they are doing it...
August 6, 2017After my excursion to the Knox Classic yesterday, I have a *lot* of thoughts on some weird posing I saw...
July 28, 2017So yeah, I took a little time off to sell/buy a house and move, but I’M BACK! A quickie for this...
April 7, 2017There’s no sense in getting fancy with partial range of motion until you really understand what FULL range of motion...
March 30, 2017Glute training tips for women AND men – because we all could use a little help! Also, logging your workouts...
March 24, 2017Prep is long and hard, whether for a show or some other goal – finding and developing your strategy for...
March 9, 2017Every bodybuilder has to meal prep, but how do you make it easier and more efficient (discussion starts at 6:00...
March 3, 2017How do you assess your progress? Should you rely more/less on numbers, or is there more to it than just...
February 23, 2017I’m back! After an unplanned hiatus I figured I might as well come back with a vengeance – this episode...
January 13, 2017Coaches come in all shapes and sizes and with a wide range of strengths and weaknesses. I outline what I...
January 2, 2017Some advice for the New Year’s crowds, my take on 2 very different approaches for off-season growth, and also a...
December 23, 2016More Q&A, a total softball thrown my way in “bodybuilding myths”, a discussion on how to be more efficient in...
December 16, 2016In episode 4 we do a little more Q&A, take a different spin on bodybuilding myths, discuss sleep quality and...
December 9, 2016In Episode 3 of The Drop Set, I introduce two recurring segments – listener Q&A as well as a personal...
December 6, 2016In today’s episode of The Drop Set I offer an introductory course in macronutrient tracking: what are they, why do...
December 1, 2016In the first episode of the brand new Five Starr Physique Podcast, I give a brief introduction of myself and...