by darinstarr | Mar 24, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
Prep is long and hard, whether for a show or some other goal – finding and developing your strategy for maintaining focus is absolutely key to your success. Also, how to use the scale to track daily weigh-ins without driving yourself...
by darinstarr | Mar 9, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
Every bodybuilder has to meal prep, but how do you make it easier and more efficient (discussion starts at 6:00 in). Also, the sequel to macros 101: MACROS 102! Fine tuning your flexible plan for optimal results (discussion starts at...
by darinstarr | Feb 23, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
I’m back! After an unplanned hiatus I figured I might as well come back with a vengeance – this episode was also broadcast via Facebook Live and covers just one topic: HYPERTROPHY. How to build muscle, including concepts and tactics you can employ in...
by darinstarr | Jan 13, 2017 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Podcast - The Drop Set
Coaches come in all shapes and sizes and with a wide range of strengths and weaknesses. I outline what I consider to be the primary roles a coach can fulfill so you can determine what’s important to you. Also, how to reduce your risk of injury in a sport that...
by darinstarr | Jan 2, 2017 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Contest Prep, Podcast - The Drop Set
Some advice for the New Year’s crowds, my take on 2 very different approaches for off-season growth, and also a coach’s tips on how to search for an online...