by darinstarr | Oct 18, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
Let’s be clear: bodybuilding can be really quite basic. OR, it can be SUPER complicated. In this episode of The Drop Set I break down all the things that you might possibly need to be concerned about and divide them into tiers: those for beginners, those for...
by darinstarr | Oct 12, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
Just how important is your meal timing in the grand scheme of things? You’ve got some experience with flexible dieting, but how do you know if it’s really doing what it should? Is there a time to put it on the shelf or adjust your approach? I also give...
by darinstarr | Oct 4, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
Trouble staying motivated? The problem may be with your overall approach and spending some time on your “why” might resolve things! Also, dealing with food-related guilt! AKA: “Oops, I ate it again” – how this cycle can be destructive...
by darinstarr | Sep 22, 2017 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding
To be clear, bodybuilding is tough even on the easiest days. There’s so much going on – meal prep, eating everything, hitting cardio, and attacking your workouts with an appropriate intensity so that your body get a clear signal of what you’re...
by darinstarr | Sep 20, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
One of my favorite topics with some great feedback from live viewers as well – what to do when your show or goal date is over? How do you transition gracefully into the next phase and avoid a horrible rebound? I tell some stories of the good and the bad and...