255 – Macro Trackers:  The Best and the Worst

253 – Should I Bulk or Cut?

Welcome to episode 253! Today, we’re diving into the whole bulk or cut dilemma in bodybuilding. The key? Knowing what your body needs — more muscle or less fat. It’s not just a short-term thing; we’re talking long-haul commitment here…think...
255 – Macro Trackers:  The Best and the Worst

252 – Am I Stage Ready?

In episode 252 of The Drop Set, I delve into the nuanced concept of stage readiness, exploring the subjective nature of preparation for competition. We examine the importance of early competition as a means to gain valuable experience and establish personal...
255 – Macro Trackers:  The Best and the Worst

250 – Busting Through Growth Plateaus

Welcome to episode TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY! In the first segment, I dive deep into strategies for busting through growth plateaus in bodybuilding. First, I emphasize the importance of consistency and dedication during the off-season or growth phases. I discuss assessing...