262 – Post-Show Rebound Myths Exposed

253 – Should I Bulk or Cut?

Welcome to episode 253! Today, we’re diving into the whole bulk or cut dilemma in bodybuilding. The key? Knowing what your body needs — more muscle or less fat. It’s not just a short-term thing; we’re talking long-haul commitment here…think...
Finish Them!

Finish Them!

Finish Them – KNOW when you’re done! There’s nothing quite like a quality finisher after a hard-ass workout, and that’s the premise behind this entire split.  All workouts feature an FST-7 style finisher to wrap up the punishment session,...

The biggest mistakes to kill your gains

I wouldn’t say I’m a trendsetter, but I do hate to just do what everyone else is doing for the sake of fitting in.  Therefore, I refuse to make this a “Top 5…” or “Top 10…” style post, because a) I assume I’m not...