Finish Them!

by | Nov 5, 2018 | Workout Plans | 0 comments

Finish Them – KNOW when you’re done!

There’s nothing quite like a quality finisher after a hard-ass workout, and that’s the premise behind this entire split.  All workouts feature an FST-7 style finisher to wrap up the punishment session, designed to maximize blood flow, promote growth, and help recalibrate your internal “intensity meter” so you push HARDER more frequently

[bctt tweet=”Take things to the next level with a workout split that’s hard enough WITHOUT the finisher I’ve added to the end of each session. #fivestarrphysique #bodybuilding #workout” username=””]

Note:  all workout programs include detailed instructions including number of sets, rep targets/ranges, rest periods, and specific instructions on things to focus on or pay attention to during certain movements.  All workouts also include full video playlists where I demonstrate each move and narrate the key elements to think about.  This split is designed for a 4-week run.

Workouts in this split include:

  • Chest (high volume)
  • Quads (high rep)
  • Arms (constant tension)
  • Die Shoulders, Die
  • Posterior Chain (high rep)
  • Back/Traps (high volume)
  • Abs & Calves