by darinstarr | Jul 20, 2018 | Podcast - The Drop Set
So easy to overlook – but outside of the actual LIFT, what else do you do at the gym when you’re there? Let’s talk warmups, stretching, what to bring and what (not) to wear. It depresses me that the last part of that is necessary but alas,...
by darinstarr | Jul 17, 2018 | Podcast - The Drop Set
In this first MINI EPISODE of The Dropset (no frills, 20 minutes!) I talk about Comfort Zones: what they are how, how to find them, why they suck, how to get out of one, and WHY it is so valuable to do...
by darinstarr | Jul 17, 2018 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding, Contest Prep
Bodybuilding competitions are always tricky, subjectively scored events – the old mantra of “you are your own competition” is 100% true, but at the same time if you can bring a better version of yourself to the stage and give the judges what...
by darinstarr | Jul 12, 2018 | Podcast - The Drop Set
It’s been a wild summer but I’m BACK and we have big plans for the weeks and months ahead. I kick things off this week as I week you through an unrehearsed construction of my new cutting diet. I talk about what my macros are and why, how many meals...
by darinstarr | Jun 28, 2018 | Podcast - The Drop Set
FINALLY – enough listener input for a full-on Q&A segment, THANK YOU to all who contributed. Also: something sneaky to watch for if you’re searching for an online coach, and what exactly happens on show day? Not as far as food/water/etc, but...