Picking the right show for you

With the end of the year quickly approaching, bodybuilders everywhere are thinking about the inevitable start of their prep for an early spring show or deciding exactly what show(s) to hit for the upcoming year.  How do you pick the show that’s right for you? ...

6 Traits of a Successful Online Client

Today I’d like to address a question I am never asked, but one that I wish I was. What does it take to be successful with your program? Wow, excellent question!  With all the various ways I could answer that, I think it’s most valuable to distill it down...

Emotional thinking

People often ask me where I stand on certain topics.  What I think about this training style, that diet, some product, whichever method of cardio, you name it.  I live and exist in this industry, so it’s good to have opinions on things and be able to explain and...