The Drop Set – Episode 153
0:00 – I kick things off today with several updates! Personal, Taz-related, band-related, and also lawn-related – the final one of 2019!
12:24 – Let’s talk turkey. Thanksgiving (and holidays in general) are a huge source of anxiety for most bodybuilders. Let me talk you off the ledge a bit but also be real about how you can screw things up.
17:38 – Paula called in (ok ok, I FORCED her to call in) asking about macronutrient substitutions with some specific examples of how to make certain things work. Prepare for a 20 minute deep dive on exactly that!
37:30 – By popular request: how to be a better coach! Less about the “coaching” aspect of things and more about how to operate things in a successful and efficient manner on the business side.