The Drop Set – Episode 149
0:00 – #149 coming in hot! I make a small pitch to support my client Ben’s Movember efforts to raise awareness for men’s health issues. If you’re interested in donating, here’s the link: https://mobro.co/14102817?mc=5 Also, an update on the podcast logo work!
6:16 – Brian is wondering about lifting shoes – I don’t have a whole lot of personal experience to contribute there, but I share my footwear story (wow does that sound compelling or what?) and we’ll follow-up on this soon!
16:20 – Rob from CT is NOT calling in from his car – asking about growth phase and recovery volume. Lots of approaches here we can take and most involve just listening to your body and, yes, taking some extra rest days.
24:00 – A while back I found a great post on the RXMuscle forums about what it takes to be competitive at the high levels of bodybuilding. I wanted to share that post here and break down some of the things discussed in it.