Episode 30 is here! No live broadcast, just audio and video available on YouTube also. Today, I recap NPC Nationals from this past weekend with commentary and also go over coaching philosophies – I share mine and offer some alternative insights into diet and...
Last week the NPC and IFBB shared a joint announcement introducing the division of a new “classic physique” division for men, described as being in-between the current men’s physique and bodybuilding divisions. There were be mandatory poses and...
Up-front disclaimer: I don’t expect daily weigh-ins from all of my clients, and certainly not regardless of the phase of their training. It takes a certain level of emotional detachment from the scale number (a skill worth learning) to make this worth the...
Yes, even non-competitors. If you have any desire to step on stage, you need to being practicing your posing now. It is absolutely impossible to spend too much time working on it. The more time you spend on it, the more automatic it becomes. The more opportunity...
I am sometimes asked outright by inquisitive people exactly what my priorities and strategies are when it comes to getting someone stage ready. It’s a totally fair question, and a monologue that is part of my standard orientation for people when they first join...