We all know the tried and true bodybuilding mantra, right? Go ahead, say it with me now.. Gotta lift big to get big! Yeah, this was all well and good back in the day but now we know a lot more and there’s all kinds of evidence that shows that while this...
When checking in with clients this is something that comes up pretty much with every single check-in every time there’s a holiday, so it’s ALWAYS worth revisiting the ways in which we as bodybuilders can keep our sanity through the...
My clients know this very well, and if you’ve read much on this site or follow me on social media you’ve probably gathered this as well: I can get a bit crazy when it comes to collecting and analyzing data. It’s my engineering background, I guess...
Raise your hand if you’ve tried to prep for a show and didn’t reach the finish line? Yeah I see you out there. You in the back, it’s ok – put your hand up, I can see it in your eyes…ok, there you go. Now raise your hand if you MADE it...
Raise your hand if you love spending time in the kitchen – looking, looking – yeah ok, didn’t think so. It’s not my favorite place to spend time, but as a bodybuilder it’s not a place you can avoid and be successful so we’ve got to...