by darinstarr | Jul 12, 2024 | Podcast - The Drop Set
In the bodybuilding industry specifically and the fitness industry more generally, confusion abounds. Stuff that was “fact” decades ago we now know to be wrong, but their legends still live on. Let’s bust some of ’em today. In episode 264 of...
by darinstarr | May 7, 2014 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding, Contest Prep
Ok, listen up – I’m giving everyone reading this permission. Permission to be completely self-centered, absorbed, and borderline narcissistic. You are the center of the universe. Block everyone else out. Picture yourself, alone, on top of a mountain...
by darinstarr | May 3, 2012 | Bodybuilding, Contest Prep
Ok – the dieting is done, you’ve completed your last workout on Tuesday or Wednesday, your peak week plan is in full swing, and you’re just about ready to take off for your show. If the show isn’t in your home town, it’s highly...
by darinstarr | May 2, 2012 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding
This last weekend on April 28th I competed in the 2012 NPC Charlotte Cup at the Blake Hotel in downtown Charlotte, NC. It was a phenomenal experience all around and I had a fantastic time. Pre-judging went well and I was pleased with how I looked going in – I...
by darinstarr | Apr 23, 2012 | Bodybuilding, Contest Prep
I love my parents, don’t get me wrong. They are awesome and have done absolutely everything for me that they could possible be expected to, and then some. When I moved across the country from Oregon to Asheville, it was probably a bit of a shock to them as it...