Introducing the Q&A series!

So here we go!  This is the start of what I anticipate being a recurring series of posts, addressing the topics that clients, prospective clients, and random people ask that I feel are worth sharing with a general audience.  Without further ado, let’s dive in:...
Weight tracking and expectations

Weight tracking and expectations

Up-front disclaimer:  I don’t expect daily weigh-ins from all of my clients, and certainly not regardless of the phase of their training.  It takes a certain level of emotional detachment from the scale number (a skill worth learning) to make this worth the...

The path to advanced lifting

Most of us remember what it was like the first time we started ‘attempting’ to workout.  I look back on my early trips to the gym and I just laugh.  Absolutely no clue what I was doing, but yet thinking I was doing productive stuff anyway (hint:  I...

The biggest mistakes to kill your gains

I wouldn’t say I’m a trendsetter, but I do hate to just do what everyone else is doing for the sake of fitting in.  Therefore, I refuse to make this a “Top 5…” or “Top 10…” style post, because a) I assume I’m not...
What I’m eating and why

What I’m eating and why

Typically, I don’t see a huge value in meal plans that are posted online.  They are either celebrity plans (Mr. Olympia or Celebrity ‘X’), or generic starter plans that are tremendously boring.  Plans that follow the “this is what I eat, so you...