by darinstarr | Nov 1, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
In this episode of the Drop Set I talk about the financial side of bodybuilding – how you CAN and CAN’T make money in this industry, and the expenses of competing. Also, go on a tour of my gym bag and see what I find in there that I had forgotten all...
by darinstarr | Nov 1, 2017 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding
In my latest YouTube video I explain some of the most common mistakes with progress pics and how you can easily improve yours in a big way – like, comment, and share if you find it useful!
by darinstarr | Oct 25, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
The scale *is* a valuable tool for tracking your progress – IF you use it correctly. Listen to learn how. Also: you’re a lousy photographer and THAT is why your progress pics suck. In this episode we discuss how to get better,...
by darinstarr | Oct 18, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
Let’s be clear: bodybuilding can be really quite basic. OR, it can be SUPER complicated. In this episode of The Drop Set I break down all the things that you might possibly need to be concerned about and divide them into tiers: those for beginners, those for...
by darinstarr | Oct 12, 2017 | Podcast - The Drop Set
Just how important is your meal timing in the grand scheme of things? You’ve got some experience with flexible dieting, but how do you know if it’s really doing what it should? Is there a time to put it on the shelf or adjust your approach? I also give...