by darinstarr | Dec 7, 2016 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding Workouts
Guys tend to train chest a LOT. I see plenty of dudes in the gym who hit chest every day and yet it looks severely under-trained. Why? As with everything, the devil is in the details. Just doing the work is NEVER enough. How the work is executed is everything. So...
by darinstarr | Nov 17, 2016 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding, Contest Prep
How much someone struggles with sticking to a meal plan long-term is directly related to how bland they insist on making their meals and how crappily their food is prepared. Utilizing a handful of products and techniques can turn following a plan from a chore to...
by darinstarr | Sep 5, 2016 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding
Updated October 3, 2024 Everyone with a coach has a love/hate relationship with progress pics. They can be a great reminder of how far you’ve come, forcing you to see yourself as the camera captures you. They can also be a pain in the ass and a frustrating...
by darinstarr | Apr 11, 2016 | Bodybuilding
I get asked a lot of questions in a typical week. Heck, a typical day. Hour. Whatever – I get a lot of questions and one of the cool parts of having this job is getting to interact with people who care about your answer and genuinely want to know. Not the...
by darinstarr | Dec 11, 2015 | Bodybuilding
With the end of the year quickly approaching, bodybuilders everywhere are thinking about the inevitable start of their prep for an early spring show or deciding exactly what show(s) to hit for the upcoming year. How do you pick the show that’s right for you? ...
by darinstarr | Sep 14, 2015 | Bodybuilding
Last week the NPC and IFBB shared a joint announcement introducing the division of a new “classic physique” division for men, described as being in-between the current men’s physique and bodybuilding divisions. There were be mandatory poses and...