Men’s Competitive Categories Explained

by | Jul 5, 2024 | Beginning Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding, Contest Prep | 0 comments

There are a lot of categories to compete in at bodybuilding shows – 3 for men, and SIX for women.  In this video I break down the men’s categories:  the men’s physique division, classic physique, and bodybuilding.

Each category has different requirements, posing and presentation, judging standards, and stage attire so before you even consider getting ready for a show it’s a good idea to know exactly what category is going to be the best fit for you, and then take time tailoring your physique and practicing your posing for that specific category.

You can always change categories over time or even cross over and compete in multiple categories in a single show – just keep in mind you need to have the right attire and will then have multiple different posing styles to practice and work on throughout your prep.

Check out the full video below for a detailed breakdown on each category and some quick history on the men’s side of the sport of bodybuilding as well.