Fixing the Show Day Experience with Live Streaming

by | Nov 8, 2023 | Podcast - The Drop Set

Future generations will look back and see Episode 236 of The Drop Set as a watershed moment for humanity.  Maybe.  Ok, maybe not so much.  But let it be known I’m trying some different stuff here, so as always let me know what you think.

This is a solo episode published as audio-only AND video (on YouTube), and does incorporate a little video into the mix so the audio listeners WILL be a little in the dark – apologies!  Going forward I might break that segment out into it’s own YouTube series which I think might be super cool.

Attending a bodybuilding show in person is, I think we can all agree, a pain. The prejudging/finals format is a nightmare for everyone involved and I feel it really hurts the sport’s chances of catching a wider, more casual audience. In this episode I outline my strategy on how to fix that by focusing on improving the livestream experience for those not actually AT the show but watching at home.

I also chat a bit about sportsmanship at shows, protein distribution, handle a couple listener questions and do my first ever form breakdown video analysis of some client footage.

You can watch the full video below, or stream the episode wherever you listen to podcasts