207 – Find Your ‘Why’, Food Regrets, Holiday Planning
Today, on “Therapy with Darin”, we play some head games, because I love Foreigner. Anyone? Anyone? Ok, moving on.
Stop for a hot minute and think about WHY you spend time on bodybuilding? Make sure you can really answer that question in great detail (what’s my answer? Of course…you have to listen to find out – probably not what you think).
Screw up on your diet and have regrets? That’s bad. How do we deal with that? What’s the WRONG way to deal with that? Sometimes in examining the wrong answer in detail, we can uncover a better way.
And we’re getting close to holiday season here so it’s time for our annual trip to ‘omg I’m freaking out over the holidays!” land. Come along for the ride, we’ve been down this road before!