195 – Spotting Techniques, Blow Up the NPC?
First up, CALLING ALL COUPLES – if you are a couple and you train together regularly or – better yet – prep together, I want to hear your experience. Call in at 865-518-2974 and leave a message, or email me @ darin@fivestarrfitness.com (or use the contact form) or hit me up on IG or Facebook – if you’ve got a good story to tell we might do a full length interview if you’re game – so hit me up.
We start off with a good conversation about spotting technique – when it’s appropriate, a couple different ‘flavors’ of spotting and how to do it right (and wrong).
And then the fun stuff – if we could blow up the NPC and start over, what would it look like? I’d love your ideas on this, but I share mine in terms of show structure, crossovers and category shifts, changes to individual routines and scoring transparency as well. I’ve got it ALL figured out, now if only someone were listening – ha!