The Drop Set – Episode 144: Exercise Substitutions, Growth Season Intake, Supplements

by | Oct 14, 2019 | Podcast - The Drop Set | 0 comments

The Drop Set – Episode 144

0:00 – Long breaks are becoming the norm!  Back today after taking last week off due to illness, there’s a lot to cover.  We’ll start with the critical stuff:  a lawn report and logo update!

8:54 – Dan in MA called with questions regarding exercise substitutions in the gym which gave me a chance to address it as a larger and broader topic

18:42  – Rob from CT is wondering about his annual growth phase and how to know if your caloric intake is sufficient or maybe “excessive” – LOTS of variables to consider here but I do my best!Hope –

28:06 – Jenni from MN called asking about supplements – what are they for and how important are they?  Specifically ones commonly used intra-workout like creatine and BCAA’s.

47:12 – TV Update!  It’s been awhile so I’ll bring you up to speed on what I’ve been watching lately.