Weight tracking and expectations

Weight tracking and expectations

Up-front disclaimer:  I don’t expect daily weigh-ins from all of my clients, and certainly not regardless of the phase of their training.  It takes a certain level of emotional detachment from the scale number (a skill worth learning) to make this worth the...

Keys of Success – Patience

Welcome to installment #1 of what will be an ongoing blog series:  the Keys of Success!  It should be noted that whenever anyone asks me what the key is to success, I always tell them that there isn’t one.  This is a much easier answer, since the person asking...

The logistical pitfalls of competing

I love my parents, don’t get me wrong.  They are awesome and have done absolutely everything for me that they could possible be expected to, and then some.  When I moved across the country from Oregon to Asheville, it was probably a bit of a shock to them as it...