Competing and Staying Healthy

There has been, in my opinion, a very welcome trend developing lately in the area of contest prep.  Websites like and individuals like Layne Norton have been speaking up and waving their arms around trying to get people to increase their awareness of...
Packing for your show

Packing for your show

Ok – the dieting is done, you’ve completed your last workout on Tuesday or Wednesday, your peak week plan is in full swing, and you’re just about ready to take off for your show.  If the show isn’t in your home town, it’s highly...
Contest divisions and your body

Contest divisions and your body

If you read my earlier post on the different divisions at a physique contest, you know that there are 7 total divisions – 2 for men, and a whopping 5 for women.  That’s a lot to choose from – so how do you make the best decision for yourself? It...
Taking better progress pictures

Taking better progress pictures

Bodybuilding, figure, physique, bikini – whatever division you compete in, it’s all about the visuals.  It doesn’t matter who on stage has the biggest arms or the lowest bodyfat, it’s about – among other things – who looks like they...