The biggest mistakes to kill your gains

I wouldn’t say I’m a trendsetter, but I do hate to just do what everyone else is doing for the sake of fitting in.  Therefore, I refuse to make this a “Top 5…” or “Top 10…” style post, because a) I assume I’m not...
What I’m eating and why

What I’m eating and why

Typically, I don’t see a huge value in meal plans that are posted online.  They are either celebrity plans (Mr. Olympia or Celebrity ‘X’), or generic starter plans that are tremendously boring.  Plans that follow the “this is what I eat, so you...


It’s fairly well-known and accepted, and knowable by anyone who does a basic search, that stress and it’s associated hormone in the body – cortisol – are not super productive things when it comes to building muscle and losing weight.  At a very...

6 Traits of a Successful Online Client

Today I’d like to address a question I am never asked, but one that I wish I was. What does it take to be successful with your program? Wow, excellent question!  With all the various ways I could answer that, I think it’s most valuable to distill it down...


If you’ve contact me through this website recently and I haven’t responded, it’s due to an overly-aggressive spam filter setting that I just discovered.  Changes have been made, the responsible parties have been sacked, and I’m working on...