Unbeknownst to me, sometime (last week maybe?) the website decided that every page except the home page was going to go missing and ended up with a dead link regardless of what you clicked on. I am not a design professional, but even I realized this was a Bad Thing ™. A five-minute fix and we’re back in action. My apologies for any confusion to anyone who was trying (unsuccessfully) to poke around!
In other news – things have been BUSY. A couple natural pro cards earned earlier this year (congrats Liz and Christine!), plenty more shows for clients still on the calendar in the coming weeks and months as well, and LOTS of reading and researching going on as usual to keep my schedule full.
I have a few new projects in the hopper as well and am excited to start working on those in the near future, and will also be starting a weekly Q&A post on the website – stay tuned for that!