Five Starr Physique

I teach dedicated people and competitive bodybuilders how to look and feel their absolute best

Workout Programs

Online Coaching

Online Courses


Discover your ULTIMATE physique with Darin's expertise

The best coaching takes EVERYTHING into consideration.  Darin’s extensive experience in diet, training, troubleshooting, routine building and holistic physique analysis can help make your next prep or transformation an unmitigated success – whether it be with 1:1 coaching or by using Darin’s expertly designed workout programs.

Technical Expertise

Technical Expertise

Whether we’re talking about nutrition, training, or transformation/prep as a whole, technical knowledge and expertise is a must.  I work with my clients to improve THEIR technical knowledge as well because it helps them communicate better with me.

Personal Connection

Personal Connection

First and foremost, I care about your goals as much as you do and I respect the effort and time you put into achieving them.  I’ll have the hard conversations with you but I always approach things from a positive, constructive way.  We’re all people first.

Science-Based Approach

Science-Based Approach

Many (most?) coaches today take an approach from the 1960’s when it comes to working with clients.  “It worked then, it works now” – BUT, we know way more now and many of those old methods are outdated.  Your prep process should be modern and follow today’s best practices.

Discover What You’re Capable Of

My coaching programs are specifically designed for each person, and that program is just the start of it.  Every plan evolves over time as you do, and I take great pride in my attention to detail and troubleshooting through issues ranging from the basic to the more complex.


What my clients are saying…

Darin Starr is amazing. Hire him if you have the opportunity to do so. I’m a former D1 athlete, Darin completely changed my approach to diet and training in the best possible way. I’m 44 yo, in the best shape since my early 20’s and I have Darin to thank for it. He is  a caring and genuinely talented coach, if you are searching for fitness help, just email him today, you won’t regret it. 

– HB

It has been a goal of mine to compete in a physique competition for a long time, and when I went looking for a trainer I found Darin online. Admittedly, I was a little skeptical about how online training would work. I guess I thought I would miss the one-on-one interactions you get with in-person training. The remarkable thing is that Darin made me feel supported and empowered from the start, and I would say my experience with him has been better, and more successful, than any in-person personal trainer I’ve ever had. He helped me through my contest prep, including workouts, meal plans, posing, and last minute competition jitters. Aside from our weekly check-in’s he was always available for questions or advice, which I really appreciated. Darin is a pro and knows what he’s talking about. If you want the best, you want Darin.

– Andy C.

I’ve been through so many coaches and really have been on this journey for years and years and never got near my aesthetic goals. Finally I can honestly look and see my hard work pay off in the direction I have been looking to go for 10+ years. Thank you for being the missing piece in the puzzle and for your coaching. I think I’m a coachable client and do what is asked and put the work in but really never felt like I got anywhere near what I was hoping to achieve.

– Jason T.

I wanted you to know that I have been 100% completely happy and satisfied with your coaching, services and support over the last year and a bit. I have learnt so much from YOU about me, my health, the way my body responds and ticks and the sport of Bodybuilding. I love the way you pour into me with your knowledge and how you have taken extra time to help and how you have been there when I was having any sort of issues. At times I have felt that I am your only client with the time and attention you have given me, which is a very difficult thing to accomplish as a coach of many! You truly are a GREAT GREAT coach, and I will always be grateful for this experience with you.

– Jennifer M.

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