7 Reasons Your Last Prep Sucked

7 Reasons Your Last Prep Sucked

Raise your hand if you’ve tried to prep for a show and didn’t reach the finish line?  Yeah I see you out there.  You in the back, it’s ok – put your hand up, I can see it in your eyes…ok, there you go. Now raise your hand if you MADE it...

The biggest mistakes to kill your gains

I wouldn’t say I’m a trendsetter, but I do hate to just do what everyone else is doing for the sake of fitting in.  Therefore, I refuse to make this a “Top 5…” or “Top 10…” style post, because a) I assume I’m not...

Emotional thinking

People often ask me where I stand on certain topics.  What I think about this training style, that diet, some product, whichever method of cardio, you name it.  I live and exist in this industry, so it’s good to have opinions on things and be able to explain and...